Bayati, F., and Trad, D. O., 2023, 3-D data interpolation and denoising by an adaptive weighting rank-reduction method using multichannel singular spectrum analysis algorithm: Sensors, 23, no. 2., 577.
Chen, H., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Estimating two groups of fracture weaknesses using azimuthal differences in partially incidence-angle-stacked seismic amplitudes: Geophysics, 84, no. 4., R407-R419.
Eaid, M., Keating, S., Innanen, K. A., Macquet, M., and Lawton, D. C., 2023, Field assessment of elastic full-waveform inversion of combined accelerometer and distributed acoustic sensing data in a vertical seismic profile configuration: Geophysics, 88, no. 6., 1ND-WC236.
Fu, X., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Stepsize sharing in time-lapse full-waveform inversion: Geophysics, 88, no. 2., A1-X6.
Fu, X., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Time-lapse seismic imaging using shot gathers with nonrepeatable source wavelets: Geophysics, 88, no. 1., M17-M30.
Fu, X., Romahn, S. J., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Double-wavelet time-lapse full-waveform inversion [accepted for publication]: Canadian Journal of Exploration Geophysics.
Hu, Q., Grana, D., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Feasibility of seismic time-lapse monitoring of CO2 with rock physics parametrized full waveform inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 233, no. 1., 402-149.
Huang, S., and Trad, D. O., 2023, Convolutional Neural-Network-Based Reverse-Time Migration with Multiple Reflections: Sensors, 23, no. 8., 4012.
Innanen, K. A., 2023, A phase transition in the O'Doherty-Anstey model: Geophysics, 88, no. 2., 1MA-Y5.
Kolkman-Quinn, B., Lawton, D. C., and Macquet, M., 2023, CO2 leak detection threshold using vertical seismic profiles: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 123, 103839.
Li, J. L., Keating, S., Innanen, K. A., Shor, R., and Kazemi, N., 2023, Simultaneous waveform inversion of seismic-while-drilling data for P-wave velocity, density, and source parameters: Geophysics, 88, no. 6., R751–R767.
Pan, W., Qu, L., Innanen, K. A., Dettmer, J., Macquet, M., Lawton, D. C., and Wang, Y., 2023, Imaging near-surface S-wave velocity and attenuation models by full-waveform inversion with distributed acoustic sensing-recorded surface waves: Geophysics, 88, no. 1., 1JF-Y3.
Qu, L., Dettmer, J., Hall, K. W., Innanen, K. A., Macquet, M., and Lawton, D. C., 2023, Trans-dimensional inversion of multimode seismic surface wave data from a trenched distributed acoustic sensing survey: Geophysical Journal International, 234, no. 2., 1051-1062.
Sun, J., Innanen, K. A., Niu, Z., and Eaid, M., 2023, Inverse Scattering Series Internal Multiple Attenuation in the Common-Midpoint Domain: MDPI, 15, no. 12., 3002.
Sun, J., Innanen, K. A., Zhang, T., and Trad, D. O., 2023, Implicit seismic full waveform inversion with deep neural representation: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, no. 1., e2022JB025964.
Zhang, T., Sun, J., Trad, D. O., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Multilayer perceptron and Bayesian neural network based elastic implicitfull waveform inversion: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, no. 1., 1558-0644.
Zhang, T., Trad, D. O., and Innanen, K. A., 2023, Learning to solve the elastic wave equation with Fourier Neural Operators: Geophysics, 88, no. 1., 1–63.