Associated Faculty and Scientists
Name | Position | |
Huaizhen Chen | Adjunct Researcher | huaizhen |
Andreas Cordsen | Technical Advisor | acordsen53 |
Samuel H. Gray | Technical Advisor | Sam |
Brendan Kolkman-Quinn | Researcher, Carbon Management Canada | Brendan |
Michael P. Lamoureux | Faculty Professor, Department of Math and Statistics | mikel |
Rachel Lauer | Assistant Professor | rachel |
Faranak Mahmoudian | Technical Advisor | fmahmoud |
Gary F. Margrave | Emeritus Director | margrave |
Brian H. Russell | Adjunct Professor, Department of Geoscience; GeoSoftware | Brian |
Roman Shor | Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering; Associate Head, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering | roman |
Robert R. Stewart | Director, Allied Geophysical Laboratory, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston | rrstewart |