Well log study and stratigraphic correlation of the Cantuar Formation, southwestern Saskatchewan
Shaohua Li, Charles M. Henderson, Robert R. Stewart
This paper presents the results of a wireline log study on the Cantuar Formation of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of southwestern Saskatchewan. The purpose is to distinguish the log characters of the sediments within this formation and provide a preliminary sedimentological and paleogeographical interpretation of the study area. About 370 wells are picked by using three major correlation methods (marker bed, unit association, and consideration of depositional environments). Ten cross sections display the stratigraphic complexity of the Cantuar incised-valley fill and interfluves. Four isopach maps reflect the valley shape, size, and progressive valley fill from the thalweg (base), through the terrace, to the edge (top). The configuration of the valley sediments of relatively low permeability sealing the permeable flanks of the Roseray-Success buttes and mesas is the major mechanism of hydrocarbon trapping in the study area.