Delineating a sandstone reservoir at Pikes Peak, Saskatchewan using 3C seismic data and well logs
Natalia L. Soubotcheva, Robert R. Stewart
To maximize the production from mature fields, it is important to know the shape of the reservoir and its continuity. In this paper, well log data and multicomponent seismic are combined to delineate a sandstone reservoir at the Pikes Peak heavy oil field, Saskatchewan.
We generate PP and PS synthetic seismograms to correlate events with the surface seismic data. The productive formation has a Vp/Vs value noticeably lower (1.7) than the overlying formations (which are around 4.4). The top of the productive interval is interpreted as a PP impedance drop (to 5010 m/s*g/cc) and PS increase (to 3066 m/s*g/cc). Inversion and various seismic attributes were used to predict the density along the seismic line: the Waseca oil sands are characterized as a low-density (2.17 g/cc) zone.