Numerical modeling for different types of fractures
Xiaoqin (Jean) Cui, Laurence R. Lines, Edward S. Krebes
Research has shown that fractures can be modeled as a non-welded contact linear slip interface. Therefore, in the long wavelength limit, fractured homogeneous isotropic media are equivalent to transversely isotropic media (TI), and the azimuthal anisotropic parameters (Thomsen, 1986) are related to the fracture character parameters: tangential and normal compliances. Also, the elastic moduli of a fractured medium can be found by extending simple group theory calculation (Schoenberg and Muri, 1989) which is no longer used only for the non-welded contact linear slip interface. In this paper, seismic wave prorogation is affected by properties of the fractures in three different cases: horizontal, vertical and tilted fractures embedded in a homogeneous isotropic medium. We will discuss and illustrate the response to a fracture’s width in the synthetic seismograms in each case later on.