Going outside, acquisition and learning in the field
Kevin L. Bertram, Malcolm B. Bertram, Kevin W. Hall, Kristopher A. Innanen, Donald C. Lawton, Joe Wong
CREWES continues to perform actual seismic acquisition in the field using industry equipment. This opens up the possibilities of taking ideas from the minds of students and staff and taking them outside to try in real world situations. Students, staff and sponsors are able to see our equipment and suggest new methods in using it. CREWES data set are often created using this equipment. CREWES also brings some of this equipment and several support staff to the annual geophysics undergraduate field school. The Geophysics program at the University of Calgary is one of the very few that has access to commercial grade seismic equipment and has the opportunity for students to use it. For many students this is the first time that they actually observe and participate in the production of seismic data. This provides a much better understanding for these future geophysicists of how the environment affects data. This year CREWES assisted with a survey at the Brooks CMC test site, did a small demonstration at Earth Science for Society and aided with the annual geophysics field school.