Moving forward with physical modeling
Kevin L. Bertram, Kristopher A. Innanen, Joe Wong
For many years now CREWES has used a physical modeling facility to acquire scaleddown repeatable 2D and 3D marine seismic data. This system is capable of producing seismic industry standard SEGY files that can easily be used by processing software. This is an invaluable tool for conducting experiments in house with various interface modules.
Piezopin transducers are used for both sources and receivers. New transducers have been developed that produce S-waves, but these are larger in size and are contact transducers that require physical contact with the model. CREWES is interested in using this technology to carry out more experiment.
There is also an interest in creating newer more complicated models. The idea of using 3D printing technology is being looked at. This will require testing with new materials for contrast results of interfaces.