Detection and characterization of microseismic sources with shaped DAS fibre
Kristopher A. Innanen, Faranak Mahmoudian, Matthew Eaid
A significant possible application of fibre-optic DAS sensing, assuming it becomes robustly sensitive to a range of different strain components, is for the characterization of microseismic sources. In this paper we adjust the growing DAS geometrical model (the CREWES FGSM) such that it can be brought to bear on the problem of sensing various moment tensors. The model is so designed that the appraisal problem (i.e.: “for a source at the following position with the following focal mechanism, can the moment tensor be resolved by the given fibre shape and fibre parameters?”) is straightforward. It is hoped that this line of inquiry will dovetail with the microseismic FWI work reported this year.