CREWES Alliance Grant Proposal 2025 (draft): Long-term, low- cost 4D seismic monitoring of subsurface CO2 plume evolution

Kristopher A. Innanen, Daniel O. Trad, Donald C. Lawton, Rachel Lauer, Chima Justin Ezekiel

CREWES maintains strong Canadian Federal Government grant support, historically through the Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) program, which has now been phased out and replaced with the Alliance program. Our current CRD grant expires in March of 2025, and we are finalizing a new Alliance grant to grow from the CRD. What follows are the scientific/conceptual components of the proposal, in draft form (expected submission date for this grant is late January 2025). The purpose is to circulate the scientific plan embodied in the proposal within CREWES, as a status report, and also to identify partners who would like to be directly or collaboratively involved.