Time-lapse data matching, strategy and FWI of Snowflake DAS VSP data at CaMI.FRS

He Liu, Xin Fu, Xiaohui Cai, Daniel O. Trad, Kristopher A. Innanen

Full-waveform inversion (FWI) using DAS vertical seismic profile (VSP) data has been promising for long-term and low-cost monitoring CO2 injection and sequestration. In 2018 and 2022, two 3D DAS VSP datasets were acquired at CaMI before and after an amount of CO2 injection, providing feasible field data for the feasibility study of monitoring the time-lapse physical parameter change introduced by the CO2 injection. In this work, the biggest challenge to detecting the time-lapse change by applying FWI to DAS VSP data is that we observe no obvious data difference resulting from the CO2 injection in the target reservoir-Basal Belly River Sandstone (BBRS) layer (a 7 m-thick sandstone formation). To pursue successful imaging of time-lapse change using DAS data, we start by developing a data-matching approach in the first place. Then we design a practical time-lapse inversion strategy. At last, we perform time-lapse FWI using the matched datasets based on 2D acoustic FWI to image the Vp change in the BBRS formation.