Research Reports 1998
Bancroft, J. C., 1998, Computational speed of EOM relative to standard Kirchhoff migration: CREWES Research Report, 9, 43, 6.
Bancroft, J. C., 1998, Dip limits on pre- and poststack Kirchhoff migrations: CREWES Research Report, 9, 25, 7.
Bancroft, J. C., 1998, Optimum CSP gathers with fixed equivalent offset: CREWES Research Report, 9, 44, 5.
Bancroft, J. C., and Xu, Y., 1998, Equivalent offset migration for vertical receiver arrays: CREWES Research Report, 9, 11, 6.
Bentley, L. R., 1998, On incorporating time-lapse seismic survey data into automatic history matching of reservoir simulations: CREWES Research Report, 9, 33, 12.
Bland, H. C., and Foltinek, D. S., 1998, CREWES Computer Systems: CREWES Research Report, 9, 12, 8.
Bland, H. C., Stewart, R. R., Lu, H., Cordsen, A., and Werner, M., 1998, The Shaganappi geotechnical experiments: 2-D and 3-D multicomponent seismic surveys and geologic logs: CREWES Research Report, 9, 34, 17.
Cary, P. W., 1998, P/S wavefield separation in the presence of statics: CREWES Research Report, 9, 30, 8.
Cary, P. W., and Couzens, R. A., 1998, Processing of 4C data from Mahogany Field, Gulf of Mexico: CREWES Research Report, 9, 29, 25.
Cieslewicz, D., and Lawton, D. C., 1998, Receiver notching in a linear v(z) near-surface medium: CREWES Research Report, 9, 3, 17.
Cieslewicz, D., and Lawton, D. C., 1998, The Blackfoot III buried geophone experiment: CREWES Research Report, 9, 2, 40.
Dey, A. K., and Lines, L. R., 1998, Seismic source wavelet estimation and the random reflectivity assumption: CREWES Research Report, 9, 21, 28.
Dey, A. K., Rai, C., and Sondergeld, C., 1998, Quantifying uncertainties in AVO forward modeling: CREWES Research Report, 9, 48, 18.
Donati, M. S., and Martin, N. W., 1998, A comparison of approximations for the converted-wave reflection: CREWES Research Report, 9, 16, 10.
Donati, M. S., and Martin, N. W., 1998, Weighted stacking plus traveltime inversion: a proposed prestack P-S inversion: CREWES Research Report, 9, 49, 8.
Donati, M. S., and Stewart, R. R., 1998, Migration velocity analysis by perturbation for converted waves: CREWES Research Report, 9, 28, 8.
Ferguson, R. J., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, A nonstationary description of depth migration: CREWES Research Report, 9, 41, 6.
Ferguson, R. J., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Examples of prestack depth migration in TI media: CREWES Research Report, 9, 42, 15.
Foltinek, D. S., and Bland, H. C., 1998, 1998 CREWES Software Release: CREWES Research Report, 9, 13, 6.
Galdona, L. A., and Bancroft, J. C., 1998, Energy Distribution on CSP gathers as they approach a scatterpoint: CREWES Research Report, 9, 45, 8.
Gavrilov, D., Lines, L. R., Bland, H. C., and Kocurko, T., 1998, 3-D Depth migration: parallel processing and migration movies: CREWES Research Report, 9, 14, 7.
Guevara, S. E., and Stewart, R. R., 1998, Multicomponent seismic polarization analysis: CREWES Research Report, 9, 7, 19.
Gulati, J. S., Stewart, R. R., and Hoffe, B. H., 1998, Hydrophone cable acquisition and imaging: CREWES Research Report, 9, 8, 18.
Gulati, J. S., Stewart, R. R., and Parkin, J. M., 1998, 3C-3D VSP: The Blackfoot experiment: CREWES Research Report, 9, 9, 27.
Hamarbitan, N. S., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Spectral analysis of a ghost: CREWES Research Report, 9, 4, 26.
Hoffe, B. H., Foltinek, D. S., Bland, H. C., Margrave, G. F., and Manning, P. M., 1998, Analysis of array forming using the Blackfoot high-resolution 3-C data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 1, 27.
Hoffe, B. H., and Lines, L. R., 1998, Depth imaging of elastic wavefields - where P meets S: CREWES Research Report, 9, 40, 8.
Kirtland Grech, M. G., and Bancroft, J. C., 1998, Building complex velocity models using equivalent offset migration (EOM) - a case study: CREWES Research Report, 9, 27, 20.
Larsen, J. A., Margrave, G. F., Lu, H., and Potter, C. C., 1998, Simultaneous P-P and P-S inversion by weighted stacking applied to the Blackfoot 3C-3D survey: CREWES Research Report, 9, 50, 23.
Lawton, D. C., Margrave, G. F., and Gallant, E. V., 1998, Physical modeling of an anisotropic thrust: CREWES Research Report, 9, 15, 9.
Li, X., and Bancroft, J. C., 1998, The natural relation between prestack time migration and residual statics analysis: CREWES Research Report, 9, 38, 27.
Li, X., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Prestack V(z) f-k migration for P-P and P-S data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 37, 35.
Lines, L. R., 1998, Density contrast is difficult to determine from AVO: CREWES Research Report, 9, 47, 8.
Lines, L. R., Slawinski, R. A., and Bording, R. P., 1998, A recipe for stability analysis of finite-difference wave equation computations: CREWES Research Report, 9, 17, 6.
Lu, H., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Reprocessing the Blackfoot 3C-3D seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 31, 16.
Manning, P. M., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Elastic wave finite difference modelling as a practical exploration tool: CREWES Research Report, 9, 18, 16.
Margrave, G. F., 1998, Direct Fourier migration for vertical velocity variations: CREWES Research Report, 9, 36, 26.
Margrave, G. F., and Ferguson, R. J., 1998, Explicit Fourier wavefield extrapolators: CREWES Research Report, 9, 39, 24.
Margrave, G. F., and Ferguson, R. J., 1998, Nonstationary filters, pseudodifferential operators, and their inverses: CREWES Research Report, 9, 26, 17.
Mazur, M. J., and Stewart, R. R., 1998, Interpreting the Hotchkiss structure: A possible meteorite impact feature in Northwestern Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 9, 35, 13.
Mi, Y., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Comparison of phase shift cascade and global matrix elastic wavefield modeling: CREWES Research Report, 9, 19, 14.
Potter, C. C., and Stewart, R. R., 1998, Density predictions using Vp and Vs sonic logs: CREWES Research Report, 9, 10, 10.
Rodriguez-Suarez, C., and Stewart, R. R., 1998, Survey design for vertical cable seismic acquisition: CREWES Research Report, 9, 6, 19.
Schoepp, A. R., and Margrave, G. F., 1998, Nonstationary deconvolution as applied to the Blackfoot broadband survey: CREWES Research Report, 9, 22, 25.
Stewart, R. R., 1998, Air-noise reduction on geophone data using microphone records: CREWES Research Report, 9, 5, 8.
Stewart, R. R., Xu, C., and Bland, H. C., 1998, What is a P-S zero-offset section?: CREWES Research Report, 9, 24, 4.
Todorov, T. I., and Stewart, R. R., 1998, 3-D converted wave inversion for shear velocity: CREWES Research Report, 9, 51, 6.
Todorov, T. I., Stewart, R. R., and Hampson, D. P., 1998, Porosity prediction using attributes from 3C-3D seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 52, 13.
Xu, Y., and Bancroft, J. C., 1998, Statistical Vp-Vs relationships from well logs in Blackfoot: CREWES Research Report, 9, 46, 13.
Youzwishen, C. F., Margrave, G. F., and Silawongsawat, C., 1998, User's guide to elastic wavefield modeling with the ELMO software package: CREWES Research Report, 9, 20, 18.
Zhang, J. J., and Bentley, L. R., 1998, Improving reservoir simulation with 4-D seismic surveys: CREWES Research Report, 9, 32, 3.