Research Reports 2002
Aggarwala, R., Lamoureux, M. P., and Margrave, G. F., 2002, Modelling and simulation of seismic reflectivity: CREWES Research Report, 14, 15, 10.
Aitken, J. A., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, A geological/geoscience overview of the hydrocarbon exploration potential of Belize, Central America: CREWES Research Report, 14, 54, 18.
Bale, R. A., 2002, Modelling 3D anisotropic elastic data using the pseudospectral approach: CREWES Research Report, 14, 21, 25.
Bale, R. A., 2002, Staggered grids for 3D pseudospectral modelling in anisotropic elastic media: CREWES Research Report, 14, 22, 14.
Bale, R. A., Grossman, J. P., Margrave, G. F., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2002, Multidimensional partitions of unity and Gaussian terrains: CREWES Research Report, 14, 42, 11.
Bale, R. A., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, The impact of attenuation on the resolution of multicomponent seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 14, 18, 21.
Bancroft, J. C., 2002, A visual relationship between Kirchhoff migration and seismic inversion: CREWES Research Report, 14, 52, 24.
Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Introduction to matched filters: CREWES Research Report, 14, 46, 8.
Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Simplified wave modelling: CREWES Research Report, 14, 12, 16.
Beckett, J. K., and Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Event detection in prestack migration using matched filters: CREWES Research Report, 14, 30, 9.
Bland, H. C., 2002, The fusion of ProMAX and Perl: CREWES Research Report, 14, 49, 19.
Chabot, L., Brown, R. J., Henley, D. C., and Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Single-well imaging using full waveform sonic data: CREWES Research Report, 14, 8, 14.
Chen, Q., and Lines, L. R., 2002, Thoughts on detecting wormholes in cold production of heavy oil using time-lapse seismology: CREWES Research Report, 14, 63, 10.
Daley, P. F., 2002, Errata: Reflection and transmission coefficients in T.I. media: CREWES Research Report, 14, 34, 10.
Daley, P. F., 2002, Linearized quantities in T.I. media: CREWES Research Report, 14, 39, 9.
Daley, P. F., 2002, Rays in transversely isotropic media: CREWES Research Report, 14, 35, 15.
Daley, P. F., 2002, S* - shear energy from a P-wave source: CREWES Research Report, 14, 19, 21.
Dong, L., and Margrave, G. F., 2002, Propagating wavelet simulation: CREWES Research Report, 14, 33, 21.
Dong, L., Margrave, G. F., and Hall, K. W., 2002, Comparison of wavelet estimates from VSP and surface data: CREWES Research Report, 14, 24, 17.
Downton, J. E., and Lines, L. R., 2002, AVO NMO: CREWES Research Report, 14, 59, 19.
Elapavuluri, P. K., and Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Estimation of Thomsen's anisotropy parameter δ and ε using EO Gathers: CREWES Research Report, 14, 25, 18.
Gallant, E. V., Bertram, M. B., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Elastic-wave seismic acquisition systems: CREWES Research Report, 14, 10, 7.
Geiger, H. D., Margrave, G. F., Foltinek, D. S., and Langlois, J. M., 2002, Parallel 3D prestack depth migration using recursive Kirchhoff extrapolation: CREWES Research Report, 14, 51, 20.
Grossman, J. P., Margrave, G. F., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2002, Constructing adaptive, nonuniform Gabor frames from partitions of unity: CREWES Research Report, 14, 38, 10.
Grossman, J. P., Margrave, G. F., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2002, Fast wavefield extrapolation by phase-shift in the nonuniform Gabor domain: CREWES Research Report, 14, 16, 10.
Hall, K. W., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Survey design and acquisition of a 4-C ocean-bottom seismometer survey over the White Rose oilfield, offshore Newfoundland: CREWES Research Report, 14, 9, 9.
Henley, D. C., 2002, Radial trace filtering revisited: current practice and enhancements: CREWES Research Report, 14, 27, 13.
Henley, D. C., Birch, R. A., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Near-surface seismic imaging: refraction tomography and reflection imaging: CREWES Research Report, 14, 56, 16.
Henley, D. C., Margrave, G. F., and Zhang, H., 2002, Preparing input data for joint PP/PS inversion: CREWES Research Report, 14, 53, 11.
Jaramillo Sarasty, J. M., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Well log analysis of elastic properties from the White Rose oilfield, offshore Newfoundland: CREWES Research Report, 14, 2, 21.
Jaramillo Sarasty, J. M., Stewart, R. R., and Emery, D. J., 2002, Interpretation of well log, VSP, and streamer seismic data from the White Rose oilfield, offshore Newfoundland: CREWES Research Report, 14, 57, 15.
Lawton, D. C., Margrave, G. F., Richardson, S. E., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, A 3C-4D surface seismic and VSP program for a coalbed methane and CO2 sequestration pilot, Red Deer, Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 14, 64, 12.
Lawton, D. C., Stewart, R. R., Margrave, G. F., and Bland, H. C., 2002, Multicomponent seismic survey at Jumpingpound, Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 14, 65, 8.
Liu, K., and Bancroft, J. C., 2002, The effects of dip-limited Kirchhoff migration and F-K migration: CREWES Research Report, 14, 50, 15.
Lokshtanov, D., 2002, Removal of water layer multiples and peg-legs by wave-equation approach: CREWES Research Report, 14, 44, 7.
Lokshtanov, D., 2002, Suppression of free-surface effects from multicomponent sea-floor data: CREWES Research Report, 14, 37, 8.
Loures, L. L., 2002, Bayesian reservoir characterization: CREWES Research Report, 14, 6, 20.
Loures, L. L., 2002, Porosity Bayesian inference from multiple well-log data: CREWES Research Report, 14, 7, 17.
Mahmoudian, F., and Brown, R. J., 2002, Approximations to seismic velocities in anisotropic media: CREWES Research Report, 14, 45, 11.
Manning, P. M., and Margrave, G. F., 2002, Optimum projections for finite-difference transmitting boundaries: CREWES Research Report, 14, 20, 7.
Margrave, G. F., and Geiger, H. D., 2002, Wavefield resampling during Kirchhoff extrapolation: CREWES Research Report, 14, 23, 17.
Margrave, G. F., Henley, D. C., Lamoureux, M. P., Iliescu, V., and Grossman, J. P., 2002, An update on Gabor deconvolution: CREWES Research Report, 14, 36, 27.
Margrave, G. F., Lamoureux, M. P., Gibson, P. C., Bale, R. A., and Grossman, J. P., 2002, Exact wavefield extrapolation in 2D for v(x): CREWES Research Report, 14, 13, 32.
Meyer, R., 2002, Anisotropy of sandstone permeability: CREWES Research Report, 14, 5, 12.
Moldoveanu-Constantinescu, M., Stewart, R. R., and Aitken, J. A., 2002, Shallow imaging using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data in a carbonate environment: Belize, Central America: CREWES Research Report, 14, 55, 13.
Nieto, C. E., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Interpretation of PP and PS seismic data from the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T.: CREWES Research Report, 14, 58, 18.
Nieto, C. E., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Ultra high-resolution seismic imaging of permafrost, Devon Island, Nunavut: CREWES Research Report, 14, 11, 22.
Ogiesoba, O. C., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Kinematic determination of Vp/Vs in multicomponent seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 14, 26, 21.
Oppert, S. K., and Brown, R. J., 2002, Improved Radon transforms for filtering of coherent noise: CREWES Research Report, 14, 47, 10.
Oppert, S. K., and Brown, R. J., 2002, The Foster-Mosher hyperbolic Radon summation curve and the shifted-hyperbola formulation: CREWES Research Report, 14, 31, 4.
Richardson, S. E., and Lawton, D. C., 2002, Time-lapse seismic imaging of enhanced coalbed methane production: a numerical modelling study: CREWES Research Report, 14, 17, 13.
Royle, A. J., Logel, J. D., and Lines, L. R., 2002, Hebron / Ben Nevis rock property analysis and modelling study: CREWES Research Report, 14, 1, 17.
Russell, B. H., Lines, L. R., and Hampson, D. P., 2002, Application of the radial basis function neural network to the prediction of log properties from seismic attributes: CREWES Research Report, 14, 61, 21.
Russell, B. H., Lines, L. R., and Ross, C. P., 2002, AVO classification using neural networks: A comparison of two methods: CREWES Research Report, 14, 40, 18.
Sun, S., and Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Amplitude within the Fresnel zone for the zero-offset case: CREWES Research Report, 14, 43, 11.
Sun, S., and Bancroft, J. C., 2002, Limited-aperture CSP gathers used for AVO analysis: CREWES Research Report, 14, 32, 25.
Ursenbach, C. P., 2002, Generalized Gardner relation for gas-saturated rocks: CREWES Research Report, 14, 3, 6.
Ursenbach, C. P., 2002, Optimal Zoeppritz approximations: CREWES Research Report, 14, 14, 10.
Ursenbach, C. P., 2002, Research Note: Improved approximations for anisotropic reflectivities: CREWES Research Report, 14, 48, 5.
Ursenbach, C. P., and Stewart, R. R., 2002, Estimating seismic shear reflectivity from converted waves: CREWES Research Report, 14, 41, 12.
Vant, A., and Brown, R. J., 2002, Effects of density and velocity changes on the correlation of P-P and P-S reflection events: CREWES Research Report, 14, 4, 19.
Yang, J., and Lawton, D. C., 2002, Comparison of two P-S conversion-point mapping approaches for Vertical Transversely Isotropic (VTI) media: CREWES Research Report, 14, 29, 12.
Zhang, H., Margrave, G. F., and Brown, R. J., 2002, Joint PP-PS inversion at Pikes Peak oil field, Saskatchewan: CREWES Research Report, 14, 60, 14.
Zhang, J. J., 2002, A new method of NMO and stacking for converted-wave processing: CREWES Research Report, 14, 28, 12.
Zou, Y., Bentley, L. R., and Lines, L. R., 2002, Time-lapse seismic modelling of the Pikes Peak field: CREWES Research Report, 14, 62, 10.