Data Science 2020
Guarido, M., 2020, Impact analysis in R - the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to the oil industry: CREWES Webinar, 9.
Guarido, M., 2020, Time Series Forecasting with SARIMA -Application to COVID-19 Pandemic Data: CREWES Webinar, 8.
Russell, B. H., 2020, Unsupervised seismic facies classification using Python: CREWES Webinar, 7.
Guarido, M., 2020, Salt Identification in Seismic Sessions using Tensorflow for Deep Learning Solutions: CREWES Webinar, 6.
Guarido, M., 2020, Using Machine Learning for Lithology Classification from Wireline Logs: CREWES Webinar, 5.
Guarido, M., 2020, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to Classify Severe Injuries in the Oil and Gas Industry: CREWES Webinar, 4.
Guarido, M., 2020, Introduction to HTML, CSS, and Chrome DevTools for Shiny Apps Layouts: CREWES Webinar, 3.
Guarido, M., 2020, Fundamentals of R, Flexdashboard, and Shiny: CREWES Webinar, 2.
Guarido, M., 2020, WTI crude oil price forecasting with the Facebook Prophet algorithm: CREWES Webinar, 1.
Guarido, M., 2020, Introduction to R and Shiny: CREWES Webinar, 0.