Conference Abstracts 2011
Al-Zahrani, A. A., and Lawton, D. C., 2011, 3D Curvature analysis for investigating natural fractures in the Horn River Basin, northeast British Columbia: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Bertram, M. B., and Margrave, G. F., 2011, Recovery of Low Frequency Data from 10Hz Geophones: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Bird, C. W., Innanen, K. A., Lines, L. R., and Naghizadeh, M., 2011, On the calibration of a fast S-transform with application to AVF inversion of anelastic reflectivity: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
Cheng, P., Margrave, G. F., and Henley, D. C., 2011, Color correction for Gabor deconvolution: a test with field data: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Cui, X., and Lines, L. R., 2011, PP, PS Reflection and Transmission Coefficients for a Non-welded Interface Contact with Anisotropic Media: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
Ferguson, R. J., Pidlisecky, A., and Rowel, C., 2011, Shot record depth migration of georadar data: EGU General Assembly, Conference Abstracts.
Gagliardi, P. G., and Lawton, D. C., 2011, Borehole Geophone Repeatability Experiment: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Guevara, S. E., Margrave, G. F., Agudelo, W. M., and Gomez, F., 2011, Near-surface S-wave velocity models from two uphole surveys: 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, SEG Global Meeting Abstracts.
Guirigay, T. A., and Bancroft, J. C., 2011, Converted wave processing in the EOM domain: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Gulati, A., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Accurate Declipping Hybrid Algorithm for Ground Penetrating Radar Data: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Gulati, A., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Algorithm for the Restoration of Clipped GPR Amplitudes: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Henley, D. C., 2011, Attenuating 2D noise in a 3D world: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Innanen, K. A., 2011, A decomposition of RP into contributions from single-parameter reflectivities: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Innanen, K. A., and Bird, C. W., 2011, Anelastic AVO: open issues in quantitative inversion of dispersive reflectivity data: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Innanen, K. A., and Naghizadeh, M., 2011, A scattering description of time-lapse seismic reflection data with an application to difference reflectivity inversion: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Innanen, K. A., Naghizadeh, M., and Kaplan, S. T., 2011, Direct inversion of differenced seismic reflection data for time-lapse structural changes: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
Khaniani, H., and Bancroft, J. C., 2011, Application of CSP gather modeling for determination of the velocity smoothing operator for prestack Kirchhoff depth migration: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Khaniani, H., and Bancroft, J. C., 2011, Enhancing the inversion of migration velocity by implementation of tilt effects o n CSP data: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
Lamoureux, M. P., Margrave, G. F., and Gibson, P. C., 2011, Gabor Multipliers for Seismic Modeling and Wavefield Propagators: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Lespinasse Fung, D. J., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Brine-methane substitution: the seismic response of coalbeds: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Lespinasse Fung, D. J., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Fluid Substitution in Coalbeds: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Mahmoudian, F., Margrave, G. F., Daley, P. F., and Wong, J., 2011, Determining elastic constants of an orthorhombic material by physical seismic modeling: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Manning, P. M., 2011, Microseismic event models from finite-differencing with corrections: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Margrave, G. F., Ferguson, R. J., and Hogan, C. M., 2011, Full waveform inversion using one-way migration and well calibration: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Margrave, G. F., Ferguson, R. J., and Hogan, C. M., 2011, Full waveform using wave-equation depth migration with tying to wells: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
McDonald, M. A. D., Lamoureux, M. P., and Margrave, G. F., 2011, Nodal Galerkin Methods for Numerical Modelling of Linear Elasticity with Absorbing Boundary Conditions: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Naghizadeh, M., and Innanen, K. A., 2011, Fast generalized Fourier interpolation of nonstationary seismic records: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Naghizadeh, M., and Innanen, K. A., 2011, Interpolation of nonstationary seismic records using a fast generalized Fourier transform: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Naghizadeh, M., and Innanen, K. A., 2011, Interpolation of nonstationary seismic records using a fast non-redundant S-transform: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.
Naghizadeh, M., and Sacchi, M. D., 2011, Ground-roll elimination by scale and direction guided curvelet transform: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Sharma, R. K., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Phase shift modelling for HTI media: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Sharma, R. K., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Plane wave reflection and transmission coefficients for VTI media: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Sodagar, T. M., and Lawton, D. C., 2011, 4D multicomponent seismic modeling of CO2 fluid substitution in the Redwater Devonian Reef, Alberta, Canada: AAPG International Convention and Exhibition, Conference Abstracts.
Sodagar, T. M., and Lawton, D. C., 2011, Feasibility of 4D multicomponent seismic methods for monitoring CO2 storage in the Redwater Leduc Reef, Alberta: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Todorov, T. I., and Margrave, G. F., 2011, CDP noise attenuation using local linear models: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Vera, V. C., and Lawton, D. C., 2011, Microseismic event models from finite-differencing with corrections: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Vracar (née Milicevic), V., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Conventional and non-conventional seismic differencing in time-lapse: 73rd Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.
Vracar (née Milicevic), V., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, The Conventional and Non-conventional Seismic Differencing: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Wilson, M. R., and Ferguson, R. J., 2011, Implicit Preconditioning for Leastsquares Nonstationary Phase Shift: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Wong, J., Manning, P. M., Han, L., and Bancroft, J. C., 2011, Synthetic Microseismic Files: CSEG CSPG CWLS Convention, Conference Abstracts.
Zuleta Tobon, L. M., and Lawton, D. C., 2011, P-S survey design: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.