Graduate Theses 1991
author = {Eaton, D. W. S.},
title = {{Seismic migration/inversion for transversely isotropic elastic media}},
school = University of Calgary,
year = 1991,
author = {Khalil, A. A.},
title = {{Full waveform processing and interpretation of kilohertz crosswell seismic data}},
school = University of Calgary,
year = 1991,
author = {Nazar, B.},
title = {{An interpretive study of multicomponent seismic data from the Carrot Creek area of West-central Alberta}},
school = University of Calgary,
year = 1991,
author = {Thurston, J. B.},
title = {{Formulation of digital filters using polynomial approximation methods with applications to Bouguer gravity data from Northern Alberta}},
school = University of Calgary,
year = 1991,