Research Reports 1992
Bland, H. C., 1992, Visualizing particle motion in 3-D: CREWES Research Report, 4, 7, 5.
Brown, R. J., Crampin, S., and Gallant, E. V., 1992, Modelling shear-wave singularities in an orthorhombic medium: CREWES Research Report, 4, 19, 14.
Chen, T., and Lawton, D. C., 1992, Multiconverted reflections in marine environments: CREWES Research Report, 4, 6, 24.
Chung, H., and Lawton, D. C., 1992, Amplitude responses of thin beds: Sinusoidal approximation versus Ricker approximation: CREWES Research Report, 4, 17, 34.
Coulombe, C. A., Stewart, R. R., and Jones, M. J., 1992, AVO analysis of VSP and well log data: CREWES Research Report, 4, 15, 29.
Easley, D. T., 1992, Alternate description of the wavefield generated by two vertical vibrators in counterphase: CREWES Research Report, 4, 2, 9.
Easley, D. T., 1992, Composite media as generalized continua: CREWES Research Report, 4, 18, 6.
Easley, D. T., and Brown, R. J., 1992, Elastic tensors and their preferred frames of reference: CREWES Research Report, 4, 24, 4.
Edwards, D. J., 1992, 3-D modelling of a reef-fault block structure: CREWES Research Report, 4, 4, 33.
Fisher, S. C., Stewart, R. R., and Jol, H. M., 1992, Processing ground penetrating radar (GPR) data: CREWES Research Report, 4, 11, 22.
Foltinek, D. S., 1992, Software development within the CREWES Project: CREWES Research Report, 4, 27, 4.
Gallant, E. V., and Bertram, M. B., 1992, Update on the elastic physical modeling system: CREWES Research Report, 4, 3, 4.
Hrabi, K. D., and Lawton, D. C., 1992, 3-D physical modeling study of a lower Cretaceous channel in central Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 4, 5, 23.
Lane, M. C., 1992, Effective seismic processing under UNIX: CREWES Research Report, 4, 26, 4.
Lawton, D. C., and Bertram, M. B., 1992, Omnipulse test results: CREWES Research Report, 4, 1, 25.
Le, L. H. T., 1992, On Cagniard's problem for a qSH line source in transversely isotropic media: CREWES Research Report, 4, 21, 16.
Le, L. H. T., and Burridge, R., 1992, Numerical simulation of wave propagation in finely layered and attenuated medium: CREWES Research Report, 4, 16, 44.
Le, L. H. T., Kanasewich, E. R., Abramovici, F., Krebes, E. S., and Karpoff, W., 1992, Parallel computation in seismic modeling: CREWES Research Report, 4, 28, 14.
Le, L. H. T., Krebes, E. S., and Quiroga-Goode, G. E., 1992, Synthetic seismograms for SH waves in anelastic transversely isotropic media: CREWES Research Report, 4, 22, 18.
Li, G., and Stewart, R. R., 1992, Crosswell reflection imaging: CREWES Research Report, 4, 13, 31.
Miller, S. L. M., 1992, Well log analysis of Vp and Vs in carbonates: CREWES Research Report, 4, 12, 11.
Rommel, B. E., 1992, Approximate stacking velocities in a weakly transversely anisotropic layer: CREWES Research Report, 4, 23, 16.
Schafer, A. W., 1992, A comparison of converted-wave binning methods using a synthetic model of the Highwood Structure, Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 4, 9, 9.
Sukaramongkol, C., and Lawton, D. C., 1992, P-P and P-SV seismic imaging in the Triangle Zone, Canadian Rocky Mountain Foothills: CREWES Research Report, 4, 10, 23.
Sun, Z., and Brown, R. J., 1992, Cubic anisotropy and anisotropic salt: CREWES Research Report, 4, 20, 13.
Sun, Z., Manning, P. M., and Brown, R. J., 1992, Multioffset 3-C VSP processing and coal-seam anisotropy: An Alberta case history: CREWES Research Report, 4, 14, 17.
Zheng, Y., and Stewart, R. R., 1992, Polarization filter: Design and testing: CREWES Research Report, 4, 8, 19.