author = {Russell, B. H.},
title = {{Polynomial Regression using Python }},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 22,

author = {Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J. and Russell, B. H.},
title = {{Steam Optimization in R (a Xeek Competition) }},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 21,

author = {Emery, D. J. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O.},
title = {{XGB Lithology Classification Lessons Learned from Force 2020 ML Competition }},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 20,

author = {Mardani, R. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Neural Networks (Shallow/Deep Learning) From Scratch in Python With Geoscience Examples}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 19,

author = {Huang, S. and Woźniakowska, P. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) as a Machine Learning Algorithm for Seismic Inversion}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 18,

author = {Niu, Z. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Deep Learning with U-Net to Perform Seismic Inversion}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 17,

author = {Zhuang, K. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Seismic Data Engineering for Machine Learning Inversion}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 16,

author = {Qu, L. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Data Imputation of Well Logs using Regression Models - Geophysics in the Cloud Competition}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 15,

author = {Amundaray, N. and Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Clustering Models Applied to the Energy Sector - Part 3}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 14,

author = {Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Clustering Models Applied to the Energy Sector - Part 2}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 13,

author = {Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Clustering Models Applied to the Energy Sector - Part 1}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 12,

author = {Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O. and Emery, D. J.},
title = {{Using Hybrid Machine Learning Models}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 11,

author = {Guarido, M. and Trad, D. O.},
title = {{An Overview of Machine Learning Applications on the Energy Sector}},
year = 2021,
note = {{[CREWES Webinar: Accessed 30-Jun-2024]}},
number = 10,