Research Reports 1997
Bancroft, J. C., and Geiger, H. D., 1997, Analysis and design of filters for differentiation: CREWES Research Report, 9, 21, 13.
Bancroft, J. C., and Geiger, H. D., 1997, Anatomy of common scatterpoint (CSP) gathers formed during equivalent offset prestack migration (EOM): CREWES Research Report, 9, 28, 10.
Bancroft, J. C., Margrave, G. F., and Geiger, H. D., 1997, A kinematic comparisons of conventional processing, DMOPSI, and EOM: CREWES Research Report, 9, 29, 26.
Bertram, M. B., and Gallant, E. V., 1997, Geophone element testing: CREWES Research Report, 9, 2, 4.
Bland, H. C., and Foltinek, D. S., 1997, CREWES computer systems: CREWES Research Report, 9, 16, 7.
Chan, W., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, F-x statics for P-S seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 24, 22.
Chan, W., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, Logarithmic correlation of P-P and P-S seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 35, 8.
Cieslewicz, D., and Lawton, D. C., 1997, A three-component field study of the effect of the low-velocity layer on converted-wave seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 4, 21.
Dey, A. K., and Lines, L. R., 1997, Investigating the randomness assumption in wavelet estimation: CREWES Research Report, 9, 22, 11.
Dey, A. K., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, Predicting density using Vs and Gardner's relationship: CREWES Research Report, 9, 6, 9.
Ferguson, R. J., and Margrave, G. F., 1997, Algorithm comparisons for nonstationary phase shift: CREWES Research Report, 9, 31, 19.
Ferguson, R. J., and Margrave, G. F., 1997, Nonstationary phase shift (NSPS) for TI media: CREWES Research Report, 9, 32, 24.
Foltinek, D. S., Margrave, G. F., Larsen, J. A., and Bland, H. C., 1997, 1997 CREWES software release: CREWES Research Report, 9, 18, 10.
Gallant, E. V., Bertram, M. B., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, New multi-component acquisition equipment: An initial report: CREWES Research Report, 9, 3, 6.
Gulati, J. S., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, Analysis of mode conversions over high-velocity layers: CREWES Research Report, 9, 25, 8.
Gulati, J. S., Stewart, R. R., Peron, J., and Parkin, J. M., 1997, 3C-3D VSP: Normal moveout correction and VSPCDP transformation: CREWES Research Report, 9, 9, 30.
Hamarbitan, N. S., and Margrave, G. F., 1997, Attenuation for TIV Media: An Experience with Osiris Modelling Software: CREWES Research Report, 9, 15, 13.
Hoffe, B. H., Burton, A. J., and Lines, L. R., 1997, Comparison of 2D pre-stack and 3D post-stack migrations from the Matagami mining camp, Québec: CREWES Research Report, 9, 36, 11.
Larsen, J. A., Margrave, G. F., and Foltinek, D. S., 1997, New developments in the SYNTH algorithm: CREWES Research Report, 9, 17, 9.
Li, X., and Bancroft, J. C., 1997, A new algorithm for converted wave pre-stack migration: CREWES Research Report, 9, 26, 13.
Li, X., and Bancroft, J. C., 1997, Residual Statics using CSP gathers: CREWES Research Report, 9, 23, 11.
Li, X., Xu, Y., and Bancroft, J. C., 1997, Equivalent offset migration: the implementation and application update: CREWES Research Report, 9, 27, 11.
Margrave, G. F., 1997, Nonstationary filtering: review and update: CREWES Research Report, 9, 19, 20.
Margrave, G. F., 1997, Zero offset seismic resolution theory for linear v(z): CREWES Research Report, 9, 1, 18.
Margrave, G. F., and Ferguson, R. J., 1997, Wavefield extrapolation by nonstationary phase shift: CREWES Research Report, 9, 30, 21.
Margrave, G. F., Lawton, D. C., Stewart, R. R., Miller, S. L. M., Yang, G. Y. C., Simin, V., Potter, C. C., Zhang, Q., and Todorov, T. I., 1997, The Blackfoot 3C-3D seismic survey: A case study: CREWES Research Report, 9, 41, 10.
Mazur, M. J., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, The seismic expression and hydrocarbon potential of meteorite impact craters: Current research: CREWES Research Report, 9, 38, 14.
Potter, C. C., and Foltinek, D. S., 1997, Formation elastic parameters by deriving S-wave velocity logs: CREWES Research Report, 9, 10, 13.
Rodriguez-Suarez, C., Stewart, R. R., Li, X., and Bancroft, J. C., 1997, Analyzing 4-C marine seismic data from the Valhall field, Norway: CREWES Research Report, 9, 42, 18.
Schoepp, A. R., and Margrave, G. F., 1997, Time variant spectral inversion: CREWES Research Report, 9, 20, 24.
Silawongsawat, C., and Margrave, G. F., 1997, Elastic modeling by phase-shift cascade with scattering matrix control: CREWES Research Report, 9, 13, 18.
Simin, V., 1997, Post-stack attribute analysis of the 9C seismic survey - Olds, Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 9, 37, 13.
Slawinski, M. A., and Margrave, G. F., 1997, The P-SV conversion point in constant-gradient media: CREWES Research Report, 9, 14, 7.
Stewart, R. R., and Bland, H. C., 1997, An approximate relationship between Rps and Rss: CREWES Research Report, 9, 12, 5.
Stewart, R. R., Bland, H. C., Zhang, Q., and Guthoff, F., 1997, Average versus interval Vp/Vs: CREWES Research Report, 9, 8, 7.
Stewart, R. R., and Gulati, J. S., 1997, 3-D VSP: Recent history and future promise: CREWES Research Report, 9, 11, 7.
Stewart, R. R., Hoffe, B. H., Bland, H. C., Margrave, G. F., Gallant, E. V., and Bertram, M. B., 1997, The Blackfoot high-resolution 3-C seismic survey: design and initial results: CREWES Research Report, 9, 5, 26.
Todorov, T. I., Hampson, D. P., and Russell, B. H., 1997, Sonic log predictions using seismic attributes: CREWES Research Report, 9, 39, 12.
Todorov, T. I., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, Geostatistical analysis of 3C-3D seismic data for depth, isopachs, and sand/shale distribution: CREWES Research Report, 9, 40, 12.
Xu, Y., and Bancroft, J. C., 1997, Joint AVO analysis of PP and PS seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 9, 34, 44.
Yang, G. Y. C., and Stewart, R. R., 1997, Linking petrophysical parameters (ρ, σ, μ, λ, κ, φ) with seismic parameters (α, β, RPP, RPS, RSS): CREWES Research Report, 9, 7, 11.
Zhu, J., Lines, L. R., and Gray, S. H., 1997, Smiles and frowns in migration/velocity analysis: CREWES Research Report, 9, 33, 21.