Research Reports 2015
Ajiduah, S. W., Margrave, G. F., and Daley, P. F., 2015, Numerical modeling of elastic waves propagation in isotropic vertically inhomogeneous media.: CREWES Research Report, 27, 1, 17.
Al Dulaijan, K. A., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Azimuthal velocity analysis of 3D seismic for fractures: Altamont-Bluebell field: CREWES Research Report, 27, 3, 15.
Al Dulaijan, K. A., Margrave, G. F., and Wong, J., 2015, 3D seismic physical modeling for azimuthal variations of P-wave velocity: CREWES Research Report, 27, 2, 13.
Arenrin, B., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Full waveform inversion of Hussar synthetics: CREWES Research Report, 27, 4, 11.
Bertram, K. L., Bertram, M. B., Hall, K. W., Innanen, K. A., Lawton, D. C., and Wong, J., 2015, Going outside, acquisition and learning in the field: CREWES Research Report, 27, 5, 17.
Chen, T., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, AVO inversion through iteration of direct nonlinear inverse formulas: CREWES Research Report, 27, 6, 16.
Chen, T., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, AVO theory for non-welded contacts: CREWES Research Report, 27, 7, 26.
Cova, R., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Processing converted-wave data in the tau-p domain: rotation toward the source and moveout correction: CREWES Research Report, 27, 8, 8.
Cova, R., Wei, X., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Shear wave near-surface corrections in the tau-p domain: a case study: CREWES Research Report, 27, 9, 13.
CREWES, 2015, Summary Book: CREWES Research Report, 27, 97.
Cui, T., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Phase correction of Gabor deconvolution: CREWES Research Report, 27, 10, 17.
Cui, T., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Seismic-to-well ties by smooth dynamic time warping: CREWES Research Report, 27, 11, 26.
Daley, P. F., 2015, Finite difference methods for orthorhombic media: perfectly reflecting and absorbing boundaries: CREWES Research Report, 27, 12, 16.
Daley, P. F., 2015, Inversion of quasi-compressional ray travel time data for anisotropic parameters in a TI Medium using phase velocities: CREWES Research Report, 27, 13, 14.
Daley, P. F., 2015, Isotropic and transversely isotropic media: absorbing bottom boundary conditions: CREWES Research Report, 27, 14, 18.
Dongas, J. M., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, Development and characterization of a geostatic model for monitoring shallow CO2 injection: CREWES Research Report, 27, 15, 34.
Esmaeili, S., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Influence of color operator on Husky Hussar data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 16, 19.
Fathalian, A., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, AVO modelling of linearized Zoeppritz approximations: CREWES Research Report, 27, 17, 13.
Fathalian, A., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Direct nonlinear inversion of viscoacoustic media using the inverse scattering series: CREWES Research Report, 27, 18, 17.
Guarido, M., Lines, L. R., and Ferguson, R. J., 2015, Full waveform inversion using the PSPI migration: a convergence study: CREWES Research Report, 27, 19, 13.
Guevara, S. E., Isaac, J. H., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Receiver statics of converted waves without stack: test with real data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 20, 11.
Gunning, B. J., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, Multicomponent seismic data analysis for interval rock properties in the Marcellus Shale: CREWES Research Report, 27, 21, 17.
Gunning, B. J., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, Preliminary interpretation of 3D 3C seismic data from an Athabasca oil sands field, Alberta: CREWES Research Report, 27, 22, 20.
Hall, K. W., Isaac, J. H., Wong, J., Bertram, K. L., Bertram, M. B., Lawton, D. C., Bao, X., and Eaton, D. W. S., 2015, Initial 3C-2D surface seismic and walkaway VSP results from the 2015 Brooks SuperCable experiment: CREWES Research Report, 27, 23, 22.
Hardeman-Vooys, H. K., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2015, Using corrected phase to localize geological features in seismic data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 24, 11.
Henley, D. C., 2015, 3D or not 3D, that is the question: raypath interferometry in 3D processing: CREWES Research Report, 27, 25, 30.
Innanen, K. A., 2015, A nonstationary search parameter for internal multiple prediction: CREWES Research Report, 27, 28, 13.
Innanen, K. A., 2015, Absorption in FWI - some questions and answers: CREWES Research Report, 27, 26, 11.
Innanen, K. A., 2015, Direct measurement of near surface seismic body wave dispersion from uncorrelated vibroseis data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 27, 15.
Innanen, K. A., 2015, Residual dependent FWI sensitivities based on direct nonlinear inverse scattering: CREWES Research Report, 27, 29, 21.
Innanen, K. A., 2015, Time domain internal multiple prediction: CREWES Research Report, 27, 30, 14.
Isaac, J. H., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, 3D3C seismic data at the Brooks experimental CO2 injection site.: CREWES Research Report, 27, 31, 11.
Isaac, J. H., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, A little case study of an offset-dependent seismic response: CREWES Research Report, 27, 32, 9.
Jabbari, S., D'Amico, D., Grossman, J. P., Russell, B. H., Isaac, J. H., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Analysis of time-lapse difference AVO with the Pouce Coupe field data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 33, 13.
Jabbari, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, PS and SP converted wave reflection coefficients and their application to time-lapse difference AVO: CREWES Research Report, 27, 34, 14.
Keating, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Extrapolation of low frequencies and application to physical modeling data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 35, 14.
Keating, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Interpolation of seismic data using a principal component analysis POCS approach: CREWES Research Report, 27, 36, 18.
Keating, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Second order, iterative least squares inversion of anacoustic reflections: CREWES Research Report, 27, 38, 13.
Keating, S., Sun, J., Pan, P., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Nonstationary L1 adaptive subtraction with application to inverse scattering multiple attenuation: CREWES Research Report, 27, 37, 17.
Lahr, O., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Preservation of AVO after migration: CREWES Research Report, 27, 39, 21.
Lamoureux, M. P., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Tweaking minimum phase calculations: CREWES Research Report, 27, 40, 9.
Lawton, D. C., Bertram, M. B., Hall, K. W., and Bertram, K. L., 2015, New approaches to seismic monitoring at the Brooks Field Research Station: CREWES Research Report, 27, 41, 8.
Li, J., Innanen, K. A., Tao, G., and Lines, L. R., 2015, Reflection extraction from sonic log waveforms using Karhunen-Loeve transform: CREWES Research Report, 27, 43, 14.
Li, J., Innanen, K. A., Tao, G., Lines, L. R., and Zhang, K., 2015, Azimuth ambiguity elimination for borehole imaging using 3D borehole RTM scheme: CREWES Research Report, 27, 42, 12.
Li, J., Innanen, K. A., Zhang, K., Tao, G., and Lines, L. R., 2015, Wave field simulation on 3D borehole dipole radiation: CREWES Research Report, 27, 44, 26.
Lines, L. R., and Daley, P. F., 2015, Utilizing PSSP waves: CREWES Research Report, 27, 45, 8.
Liu, Y., Fear, E. C., and Potter, M., 2015, Gabor nonstationary deconvolution for attenuation compensation in highly lossy dispersive media: CREWES Research Report, 27, 46, 22.
Manning, P. M., Gallant, E. V., and Hall, K. W., 2015, Recording seismic on geophones within ground screws II: CREWES Research Report, 27, 47, 9.
Margrave, G. F., 2015, Post-stack iterative modeling migration and inversion (IMMI): CREWES Research Report, 27, 49, 17.
Margrave, G. F., Charles, S., and Aghabarati, H., 2015, Intrinsic attenuation: removing the stratigraphic effect from attenuation measures: CREWES Research Report, 27, 48, 22.
Montano, M. C., Lawton, D. C., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Shear wave attenuation measurements from converted-wave VSP data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 50, 12.
Moradi, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Full viscoelastic waveform inversion: a mathematical framework: CREWES Research Report, 27, 52, 10.
Moradi, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Radiation patterns associated with the scattering from viscoelastic inclusions: CREWES Research Report, 27, 53, 20.
Moradi, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Sensitivity analysis of viscoelastic full waveform inversion: CREWES Research Report, 27, 54, 24.
Moradi, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Viscoelastic AVO equations: Born versus Aki-Richards approximations: CREWES Research Report, 27, 55, 24.
Moradi, S., Lawton, D. C., and Krebes, E. S., 2015, Finite difference modeling of the diffusive slow P-wave in poroelastic media.: CREWES Research Report, 27, 51, 9.
Nowroozi, D., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, A framework for full waveform modeling and imaging for CO2 injection at the FRS project: CREWES Research Report, 27, 56, 20.
Pan, W., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Full-waveform inversion in the frequency-ray parameter domain: CREWES Research Report, 27, 57, 29.
Pan, W., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Source-independent Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion: CREWES Research Report, 27, 61, 9.
Pan, W., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Suppressing cross-talk for elastic FWI with multi-parameter approximate Hessian and its parameter-type approximation: CREWES Research Report, 27, 62, 11.
Pan, W., Innanen, K. A., and Liao, W., 2015, Preconditioning for the Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion: CREWES Research Report, 27, 59, 26.
Pan, W., Innanen, K. A., Margrave, G. F., and Keating, S., 2015, Recover low-frequency for full-waveform inversion via band-limited impedance inversion and projection onto convex sets: CREWES Research Report, 27, 60, 10.
Pan, W., Innanen, K. A., Margrave, G. F., and Saeed, A. N., 2015, FWI numerical test using Hussar dataset: CREWES Research Report, 27, 58, 6.
Romahn, S. J., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Effects of available long offset and random noise on simultaneous-AVO inversion: CREWES Research Report, 27, 63, 12.
Romahn, S. J., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Repercussions of available long offset, random noise and impedance contrast on AVO analysis: CREWES Research Report, 27, 64, 15.
Rops, E. A., and Lines, L. R., 2015, Predicting heavy oil viscosity from well logs - testing the idea: CREWES Research Report, 27, 65, 18.
Rops, E. A., and Lines, L. R., 2015, Predicting oil sands viscosity from well logs using an industry provided dataset: CREWES Research Report, 27, 66, 23.
Russell, B. H., 2015, Visualizing inversion results with rock physics templates: CREWES Research Report, 27, 67, 21.
Sun, J., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, 2D internal multiple prediction in coupled plane wave domain: CREWES Research Report, 27, 69, 13.
Sun, J., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, AVO inversion with a combination of series reversion and Gauss-Newton iteration: CREWES Research Report, 27, 70, 29.
Sun, J., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Internal multiple prediction in the tau-p domain: 1.5D synthetic results: CREWES Research Report, 27, 71, 12.
Sun, J., Innanen, K. A., and Pan, P., 2015, 1.5D internal multiple prediction: physical modelling results: CREWES Research Report, 27, 68, 9.
Todorov, T. I., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, The Borga transform and some applications in seismic data analysis: CREWES Research Report, 27, 72, 7.
Wong, J., Bertram, K. L., and Hall, K. W., 2015, Upgrading the CREWES Seismic Physical Modeling Facility: CREWES Research Report, 27, 74, 11.
Wong, J., and Langton, D., 2015, Field and numerical investigation of filtered m-sequence pilots for Vibroseis acquisition: CREWES Research Report, 27, 73, 21.
Wu, B., Lawton, D. C., and Hall, K. W., 2015, Interpretation of a multicomponent walkaway vertical seismic profile data: CREWES Research Report, 27, 75, 23.
Xu, H., Sun, J., Russell, B. H., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Porosity prediction using cokriging with multiple secondary datasets: CREWES Research Report, 27, 76, 13.
Yedlin, M. J., Margrave, G. F., and Ben Horin, Y., 2015, Explosion source data analysis from a Jordanian quarry: CREWES Research Report, 27, 77, 5.