Sponsors Meeting Posters 2010
Al Mutlaq, M. H., and Margrave, G. F., 2010, Towards a surface consistent match filter (SCMF) for time-lapse processing: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 1.
Alshuhail, A. A., and Lawton, D. C., 2010, Geophysical characterization of the Devonian Nisku Formation for the Wabamun Area CO2 Sequestration Project (WASP), Alberta, Canada: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 2.
Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Seismic reflections from smooth boundaries: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 4.
Bancroft, J. C., and Han, L., 2010, Microseismic sensitivity for four receivers on a square grid: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 5.
Bertram, M. B., Bertram, K. L., and Gallant, E. V., 2010, CREWES in the field: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 6.
Bird, C. W., and Innanen, K. A., 2010, Amplitude calibration of a fast S-transform algorithm: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 7.
Cho, D., and Margrave, G. F., 2010, Estimation of elastic stiffness parameters in weakly anisotropic rotated HTI media: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 8.
Close, J. M., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Histograms of the Kirchhoff migration operator: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 3.
Ferguson, R. J., and Pidlisecky, A., 2010, Shot record depth migration of georadar: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 9.
Guirigay, T. A., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Converted wave processing in the EOM domain: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 10.
Gulati, A., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, A Simple Algorithm for the Restoration of clipped GPR amplitudes: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 11.
Gulati, A., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Kaiser Bessle gridding kernel for seismic data regularization: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 12.
Haase, A. B., and Lawton, D. C., 2010, Spectral ratios for the Pembina Cardium formation computed with virtual sources: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 15.
Haase, A. B., and Stewart, R. R., 2010, Near-field effects in VSP-based Q-estimation for an inhomogeneous model: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 13.
Haase, A. B., and Stewart, R. R., 2010, Stratigraphic attenuation (Q) effects in heavy oilfiel VSP data: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 14.
Hall, K. W., Bertram, M. B., and Eaton, D. W. S., 2010, Priddis low-frequency seismometer test, part 2: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 16.
Hall, K. W., and Gagliardi, P. G., 2010, GPS accuracy part 2: RTK float versus RTK fixed: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 17.
Han, L., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Back-propagation analysis for hypocenter location: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 18.
Han, L., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, The nearest approach to multiple lines in n-dimensional space: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 19.
Han, L., and Wong, J., 2010, Pattern-search inversion for hypocenter location: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 20.
Henley, D. C., 2010, Raypath interferometry for dummies: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 21.
Henley, D. C., and Cheng, P., 2010, Nonstationary colour correction in ProMAX: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 22.
Henley, D. C., and Hall, K. W., 2010, Recent ProMAX module upgrades: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 23.
Innanen, K. A., 2010, A particle/collision model of seismic data: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 25.
Innanen, K. A., 2010, Anelastic scattering and AVF/AVA inversion of absorptive reflectivity: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 24.
Innanen, K. A., 2010, Decomposition of acoustic/elastic Rp into contributions from 1-parameter reflections coefficients: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 26.
Innanen, K. A., 2010, The Priddis pump-probe experiment and beyond: theoris for seismic-seismic & seismic-radar interaction: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 27.
Isaac, J. H., and Wong, J., 2010, Physical modelling of a 3D marine seismic survey: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 28.
Jiang, Z., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Rigid boundary conditions for staggered-grid modelling: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 29.
Khaniani, H., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Determination of velocity smoothing operator for prestack Kerchhoff depth migration by Common Scatter Point (CSP) gathers: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 30.
Kim, S., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Decomposition of surface consistent statics: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 31.
Lloyd, H. J. E., and Hall, K. W., 2010, New MATLAB functions for reading, writing and modifying SEG-Y files: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 32.
Lloyd, H. J. E., and Margrave, G. F., 2010, Channel Model: Description, acquisition, interpretation and data release: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 33.
MacFarlane, T. L., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Evaluation of ice-coupled and elevated GPR antenna acquisition on ice: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 34.
Mahmoudian, F., Margrave, G. F., Wong, J., and Gallant, E. V., 2010, Determining elastic constants of an orthorhombic material: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 35.
Manning, P. M., 2010, 2D finite-difference modelling in Matlab, version 1: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 36.
Manning, P. M., 2010, Correction filter use in finite-difference elastic modelling: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 37.
Naghizadeh, M., and Innanen, K. A., 2010, A least-squares shot-profile application of time-lapse inverse scattering theory: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 38.
Pawlak, A., 2010, Azimuthal anisotropy of Hudson Bay using seismic interferometry: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 39.
Qiao, B., and Bancroft, J. C., 2010, Picking microseismic first arrival times by Kalman filter and wavelet transform: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 40.
Rowell, C., Pidlisecky, A., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Imaging lava tubes using ground penetrating radar: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 41.
Saeed, A. N., and Lines, L. R., 2010, Iteratively re-weighted least squares inversion for estimating density from well log: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 42.
Saeed, A. N., and Lines, L. R., 2010, Mud-rock line estimation via robust locally weighted scattering smoothing method: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 43.
Saeed, A. N., and Lines, L. R., 2010, Time-lapse AVO inversion: model building and AVA analysis: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 44.
Sharma, R. K., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Phase-shift modelling for HTI Media: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 45.
Sharma, R. K., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Reflection and Transmission coefficients for VTI media: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 46.
Todorov, T. I., and Margrave, G. F., 2010, CDP noise attenuation using local linear models: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 47.
Vracar (née Milicevic), V., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Conventional and non-conventional seismic differencing in time-lapse: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 48.
Wilson, M. R., and Ferguson, R. J., 2010, Feasibility of least-squares nonstationary phase shift: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 49.
Wilson, M. R., and Gulati, A., 2010, Automatic band limited signal reconstruction: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 50.
Wong, J., 2010, Fermat's principle and ray tracing in anisotropic layered media: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 51.
Zhang, D., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2010, A multiple model and Pade approximation: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 52.
Zhang, Z., and Stewart, R. R., 2010, AVO processing of walkaway VSP data at Ross Lake heavy oilfield, Saskatchewan: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 53.
Zuleta Tobon, L. M., and Lawton, D. C., 2010, P-S survey design: CREWES Meeting Poster, 22, no. 54.