Sponsors Meeting Talks 2015
Al Dulaijan, K. A., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Azimuthal velocity analysis for fractures: Altoment - Bluebell Field: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 10.
Arenrin, B., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Well-log derived step lengths in Full Waveform Inversion: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 16.
Cova, R., Wei, X., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Shear wave near-surface corrections in the tau-p domain: a case study: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 9.
Cui, T., 2015, Seismic-to-well ties by smooth dynamic time warping: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 24.
Esmaeili, S., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Influence of colour operator on Hussar data: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 11.
Guarido, M., 2015, Convergence of a FWI scheme based on PSPI migration: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 17.
Gunning, B. J., Lawton, D. C., and Isaac, J. H., 2015, Multicomponent interpretation: examples from the Marcellus Shale and Athabasca oil sands: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 25.
Hall, K. W., Isaac, J. H., Wong, J., Bertram, K. L., Bertram, M. B., Lawton, D. C., Bao, X., and Eaton, D. W. S., 2015, Initial 3C-2D surface seismic and walkaway VSP results from the 2015 Brooks SuperCable experiment: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 1.
Henley, D. C., 2015, 3D or not 3D: Raypath interferometry in 3D processing: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 8.
Innanen, K. A., 2015, Time domain IM prediction using a nonstationary search parameter ?: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 5.
Isaac, J. H., and Lawton, D. C., 2015, 3D3C seismic data from the Brooks site: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 2.
Keating, S., Sun, J., Pan, P., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, L1 nonstationary adaptive subtraction: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 7.
Lawton, D. C., Bertram, M. B., Hall, K. W., and Bertram, K. L., 2015, New approaches to seismic monitoring at the Brooks Field Research Station: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 3.
Li, J., Innanen, K. A., Lines, L. R., Zhang, K., and Tao, G., 2015, 3D dipole borehole-source wavefield simulation: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 12.
Lines, L. R., and Daley, P. F., 2015, Utilization of PSSP Waves: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 20.
Margrave, G. F., 2015, Welcome to the 27th Annual CREWES Sponsors Meeting: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 0.
Margrave, G. F., Charles, S., and Aghabarati, H., 2015, (1) Estimating intrinsic attenuation / (2) Post-stack Iterated modelling, migration and inversion (IMMI): CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 18.
Montano, M. C., Lawton, D. C., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Shear wave attenuation measurements from converted-wave VSP data: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 21.
Moradi, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Viscoelastic AVO modeling and inversion: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 15.
Pan, W., Innanen, K. A., and Margrave, G. F., 2015, Suppress Parameter Cross-talk for Elastic Full-waveform Inversion: Parameterization and Acquisition Geometry: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 14.
Rops, E. A., and Lines, L. R., 2015, Predicting oil sands viscosity from well logs using an industry provided dataset: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 23.
Russell, B. H., 2015, Rock physics, inversion and Bayesian classification: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 26.
Sun, J., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, 2D Internal multiple prediction in the tau - ps - pg domain: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 6.
Wong, J., Bertram, K. L., and Hall, K. W., 2015, Upgrading the CREWES Seismic Physical Modeling Facilty: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 4.
Wu, B., Lawton, D. C., and Hall, K. W., 2015, Interpretation of a multicomponent walkaway VSP experiment: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 19.
Xu, H., Sun, J., Russell, B. H., and Innanen, K. A., 2015, Porosity prediction: Cokriging with multiple secondary datasets: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 22.
Yedlin, M. J., Margrave, G. F., and Ben Horin, Y., 2015, Explosion source data analysis from a Jordanian Quarry: CREWES Meeting Talk, 27, no. 13.