Sponsors Meeting Posters 2019
Bayati, F., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Exploring two different methods of seismic interpolating operators: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 1.
Bertram, K. L., Innanen, K. A., Macquet, M., Bertram, M. B., and Lawton, D. C., 2019, CREWES in the field: 2019 overview: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 2.
Chen, H., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Nonlinear inversion of seismic amplitude data for attenuation and layer-weaknesses: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 4.
Chen, H., and Moradi, S., 2019, Joint inversion of PP- and PSV-wave amplitude data for estimating P- and S-wave moduli and attenuation factor: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 3.
Cova, R., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Full waveform inversion of multimode surface wave data: numerical insights: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 5.
Eaid, M., and Keating, S., 2019, Elastic full waveform inversion of DAS strain data: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 6.
Fathalian, A., and Trad, D. O., 2019, 3D viscoacoustic reverse time migration with attenuation compensation: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 7.
Fu, X., and Romahn, S. J., 2019, Waveform inversion combining one-way and two-way wave-equation migration: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 9.
Guarido, M., and Trad, D. O., 2019, A CREWES Data Science Initiative and the 2019 Projects: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 10.
Guevara, S. E., and Trad, D. O., 2019, SS reflections from conventional 3C data: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 11.
Hall, K. W., and Lawton, D. C., 2019, DAS trace location assignment for the CaMI.FRS Fibre loop: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 12.
Hardeman-Vooys, H. K., and McDonald, M. A. D., 2019, Image registration for distributed acoustic sensing acquired data using convolutional neural networks: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 13.
Henley, D. C., and Wong, J., 2019, Let there be light: illuminating physical models from the surface: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 14.
Hu, Q., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Study of crosstalk reduction in multiparameter acoustic FWI: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 15.
Huang, S., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Migration with surface and internal multiples: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 16.
Ibrahim, A., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Inversion-based deblending using Radon operators in common receiver gathers: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 17.
Innanen, K. A., Lawton, D. C., Bertram, K. L., and Bertram, M. B., 2019, Detection of transient time-lapse seismic signatures associated with CO2 injection: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 18.
Isaac, J. H., and Lawton, D. C., 2019, Seismic studies of the near-surface at the CaMI Field Research Station, Newell County, Alberta: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 19.
Kazemi, N., 2019, Automatic blind deconvolution with Toeplitz-structured Sparse Total Least Squares Algorithm: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 20.
Keating, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Null-space shuttles for uncertainty quantification in FWI: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 21.
Lamoureux, M. P., and Hardeman-Vooys, H. K., 2019, Gabor multipliers revisited: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 22.
Law, B. K., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Review of tomographic methods: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 23.
Li, D., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2019, Full waveform inversion with unbalanced optimal transport distance: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 24.
Liu, H., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, A first-order qSV-wave propagator in 2D VTI media: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 25.
Macquet, M., and Lawton, D. C., 2019, Ambient noise correlation study at the CaMI Field Research Station: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 26.
Monsegny, J. E., and Trad, D. O., 2019, RTM of a distributed acoustic sensing VSP at the CaMIField Research Station, Newell County, Alberta, Canada: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 27.
Niu, Z., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Deblending using convolutional neural networks: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 28.
Niu, Z., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Machine learning experiments on velocity extraction from migration images: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 29.
Qu, L., and Dettmer, J., 2019, Trans-Dimensional multimodesurface wave inversion of DAS data at CaMI-FRS: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 30.
Su, Z., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Migration and demigration deblending in receiver domain: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 31.
Trad, D. O., 2019, A Madagascar package for deblending in multiple flavours: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 32.
Wei, X., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Prediction of reservoir parameters with seismic data: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 33.
Weir, R., Salvage, R., and Lines, L. R., 2019, The application of deconvolution to continuously recorded passive seismic data: results from a passive microseismic data set near Fox Creek, Alberta: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 34.
Wong, J., Zhang, H., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Physical modeling of microseismics and time reversal: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 35.
Zhang, H., Ibrahim, A., and Innanen, K. A., 2019, Interpolation Through Machine Learning: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 37.
Zhang, T., Innanen, K. A., and Trad, D. O., 2019, A deep learning formulation of elastic FWI with numerical andparameterization analysis: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 36.
Zhuang, K., and Trad, D. O., 2019, Sparse inversion based deblending in CMP domain using Radon operators: CREWES Meeting Poster, 31, no. 38.