Sponsors Meeting Talks 2017
Ajiduah, S. W., and Margrave, G. F., 2017, Full Waveform seismic AVAZ responses from orthorhombic model: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 14.
Chen, H., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Seismic responses in fractured reservoir rocks with induced attenuation - Estimation of fracture weaknesses and integrated attenuation factors: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 15.
Cova, R., Law, B. K., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Toward robust multicomponent FWI on land data: handling topography and data conditioning: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 21.
Eaid, M., Li, J., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, A coupled DAS shaped-fibre and 3D elastic finite difference wave model: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 4.
Fathalian, A., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Viscoacoustic VTI and TTI wave equations and their application for anisotropic reverse time migration:
Constant-Q approximation: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 25.
Gordon, A., and Lawton, D. C., 2017, Zero offset VSP processing of fiber optic cable (DAS) and geophone array at the CaMI Field Research Station: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 6.
Guarido, M., Cova, R., Romahn, S. J., Lines, L. R., Ferguson, R. J., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Fast Waveform Inversion Strategies Applied to Hussar: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 22.
Hall, K. W., Lawton, D. C., Daley, T., Freifeld, B., and Cook, P., 2017, Source distance and source effort on DAS data: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 5.
Hardeman-Vooys, H. K., McDonald, M. A. D., Daley, T., Freifeld, B., Lamoureux, M. P., and Lawton, D. C., 2017, Vertical Seismic Profiling using Distributed Acoustic Sensing: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 3.
Henley, D. C., 2017, Raypath Interferometry for "fun" and "profit": CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 10.
Igonin, N., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Microseismic FWI: trade-offs between source and medium properties: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 23.
Innanen, K. A., 2017, Discriminating elastic wave modes with shaped DAS fibres: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 1.
Innanen, K. A., 2017, Welcome and Introduction: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 0.
Iverson, A., 2017, Internal multiple prediction in the time and offset domains: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 7.
Keating, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Strategies for efficient multiparameter frequency domain QFWI: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 18.
Khaniani, H., Moradi, S., and Trad, D. O., 2017, A waveform inversion based on pure P- and S- wave separation: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 20.
Lamoureux, M. P., and Hardeman-Vooys, H. K., 2017, Particle Swarms for Numerical Wave Equation: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 26.
Law, B. K., and Trad, D. O., 2017, Comparison of refraction inversion methods: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 12.
Lawton, D. C., Bertram, M. B., Saeedfar, A. A., Macquet, M., Hall, K. W., Bertram, K. L., Innanen, K. A., and Isaac, J. H., 2017, DAS and seismic installations at the CaMI Field Research Station, Newell County, Alberta: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 2.
Li, J., Innanen, K. A., Pan, W., and Geng, Y., 2017, Frequency domain elastic FWI for VTI media: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 17.
Lines, L. R., and Treitel, S., 2017, Cascaded Deconvolution Filters: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 11.
Macquet, M., and Lawton, D. C., 2017, Reservoir simulations and feasibility study for seismic monitoring at CaMI FRS: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 28.
Margrave, G. F., 2017, Quantifying Footprint: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 9.
Moradi, S., and Trad, D. O., 2017, Quantum computing for seismic problems: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 27.
Pan, W., Geng, Y., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, Practical multiparameterelastic FWI robust sensitivities, a land / reservoir example, laboratory expansion plans: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 16.
Romahn, S. J., and Innanen, K. A., 2017, The CREWES seismic physical modelling laboratory as a tool for design and appraisal of FWI methods: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 19.
Russell, B. H., 2017, The Least-Mean-Square (LMS) algorithm and its geophysical applications: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 30.
Spackman, T. W., and Lawton, D. C., 2017, Seismic monitoring with continuous seismic sources: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 13.
Sun, J., Innanen, K. A., Trad, D. O., and Geng, Y., 2017, Multicomponent internal multiple prediction analysis with elastics tolt-migration, time-stretching, best-fitting by high resolution radon transform
: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 8.
Trad, D. O., 2017, Mismatches between physics and operators for least squares Kirchhoff and RTM: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 24.
Weir, R., Lines, L. R., and Lawton, D. C., 2017, The Duvernay Formation-the application of structure and simultaneous inversion for reservoir characterization and induced seismicity: CREWES Meeting Talk, 29, no. 29.