Sponsors Meeting Talks 2016
Ajiduah, S. W., Margrave, G. F., and Daley, P. F., 2016, Azimuthal anisotropy in elastic and equivalent media: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 12.
Al Dulaijan, K. A., and Margrave, G. F., 2016, VVAZ analysis in Altamont-Bluebell Field: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 11.
Almuteri, K. A., Geng, Y., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Evaluating the potential of reflection-based waveform inversion (RWI): CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 23.
Chen, H., Innanen, K. A., Ji, Y., and Wei, X., 2016, Fluid/porosity term and fracture weaknesses inversion from AVAZ using azimuthal elastic impedance (EI)
: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 13.
Cova, R., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, PS-wave traveltime difference inversion for near-surface characterization in the tau-p domain: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 8.
Cova, R., Yedlin, M. J., Henley, D. C., Dauvignac, J., Fortino, N., Hall, K. W., Pichot, C., and Gaffet, S., 2016, Multiantenna GPR data acquisition design: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 31.
Ellison, D. K., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Improved resolution in depth imaging through reflection static corrections derived from model-based moveout: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 27.
Fathalian, A., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, A PML absorbing boundary conditionfor 2D viscoacoustic wave equation in time domain: modeling and imaging: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 29.
Geng, Y., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Nonlinear FWI: formulation and examples: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 22.
Gordon, A., Lawton, D. C., and Eaton, D. W. S., 2016, VSP azimuthal travel time analysis at the Field Research Station near Brooks, AB: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 16.
Gunning, B. J., Lawton, D. C., and Isaac, J. H., 2016, The promise of 3C-3D seismic data for improved imaging and reservoir characterization in the Alberta oil sands: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 3.
Hall, K. W., Isaac, J. H., Bertram, M. B., Bertram, K. L., Lawton, D. C., Constantinou, A., Schmitt, D., Kofman, R., Lay, V., Buske, S., Townend, J., Savage, M., Gorman, A., and Kellett, R., 2016, Always finding faults: New Zealand 2016 : CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 2.
Hardeman-Vooys, H. K., and Lamoureux, M. P., 2016, Grid algebra in finite difference code: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 28.
Innanen, K. A., 2016, A geometrical model of DAS angle dependence and vector/tensor estimation: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 1.
Innanen, K. A., 2016, Welcome and Introduction: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 0.
Keating, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Anacoustic FWI and the problem of model type: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 21.
Lawton, D. C., Bertram, M. B., Hall, K. W., Bertram, K. L., and Macquet, M., 2016, Walkaway S-wave VSP at Priddis and update on DAS fibre installation at Brooks: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 4.
Li, J., Innanen, K. A., Lines, L. R., Pan, W., and Tao, G., 2016, PSTD wave field simulation and gradient calculations for anisotropic FWI : CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 25.
Lines, L. R., Krebes, E. S., and Daley, P. F., 2016, SH Waves, Rays, and Full Waveform Inversion: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 18.
Lv, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Towards characterization of intrinsic and stratigraphic Q in VSP data with information measures: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 32.
Macquet, M., Lawton, D. C., Dongas, J. M., and Barraza, J., 2016, Feasibility study of time-lapse monitoring of CO2 sequestration: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 14.
Margrave, G. F., 2016, Case study: measurement of Q and cumulative attenuation from VSP data: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 6.
Mills, A., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Processing ground roll for the studay of near-surface Rayleigh dispersion: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 7.
Moradi, S., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Effects of attenuation and anisotropy on AVO and FWI sensitivities: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 19.
Mutual, E., Cho, D., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Rock physics and time-lapse seismic analysis of thermal heavy oil production: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 10.
Nowroozi, D., Lawton, D. C., and Khaniani, H., 2016, Seismic interpretation of 4D data, a case study: The FRS project: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 15.
Pan, W., Innanen, K. A., and Li, J., 2016, Quantifying parameter resolution for elastic and anisotropic FWI with multiparameter
Hessian probing: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 20.
Romahn, S. J., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, IMMI: the role of well calibration in the context of high geological complexity: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 24.
Rops, E. A., and Lines, L. R., 2016, Predicting oil sands viscosity from well logs, NMR logs, and calculated seismic properties: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 33.
Russell, B. H., and Han, J., 2016, Jean Morlet and the continuous wavelet transform (CWT): CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 30.
Sun, J., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Elastic internal multiple prediction -Theory and application: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 9.
Trad, D. O., 2016, Five-dimensional interpolation: exploring three different Fourier operators: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 5.
Trad, D. O., 2016, Nuts and bolts of least-squares Kirchhoff migration: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 26.
Xu, H., Sun, J., Russell, B. H., and Innanen, K. A., 2016, Sequential Gaussian Simulation -using multi-variable cokriging: CREWES Meeting Talk, 28, no. 17.